98. Glass-Technology Conference
Abstract Submission Management System

Submission Management System

Make use of our Submission Management System to oversee your contributions. 

You can modify your abstract at any point up before final submission. Accompanying documents such as your PDF abstract or poster can be uploaded afterwards, but no later then 15th of June 2025.

The conference will exclusively be on-site in Goslar. We appreciate your commitment to presenting in person, and this will aid in creating a unified and collaborative environment for all participants.

All documents and presentations should be in English. Contributions to sessions 5, 6, and 7 can also be submitted and held in German. If we receive enough contributions in German, will merge these into a German-language strand if demand is high enough. Please draft a one-page abstract with one figure/ picture following our provided template. This one-page abstract can also be uploaded after confirming your contribution.

Submission Guidelines

Lecture Presentation

  • Presentations can be in PowerPoint or PDF, with a 16:9 format preference.
  • The presentation language is English.
  • Each presentation has a 20-minute slot, inclusive of Q&A.
  • Kindly bring your presentation on a USB flash drive. Personal equipment won't be allowed for presentations. Submit the USB to the technician in the presentation room at the start of the day or during breaks.

Poster Presentation

  • Design your poster in portrait orientation, adhering to the DIN A0 size.
  • Please bring a printed version of your previously uploaded poster in A0 format to the event. 
    • Mounting Times:
      Sunday, 25 May        15.00 – 18.00
      Monday, 26 May         8.00 – 10.00
  • Prepare your poster as a JPG file and upload it using the "Abstract Management System" a week prior to the event commencement. The file size should be under 25 MB.
  • There will be designated "poster sessions" where authors will have dedicated time slots to present their posters to attendees and engage in in-depth discussions.

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